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Ports around the world often turn to outside experts to provide independent and objective studies and guidance in decisions that balance customer service with capital constraints and operating performance.

Maritime Management Consulting works with senior port managers to augment in-house capabilities and expertise.

Maritime Management Consulting assists Ports with studies and analyses, including:

  • Market studies and operating pro formas

  • Customer service analysis

  • Feasibility studies

  • Rate analysis

  • Facilities needs, especially cruise ship requirements

Client Work and Other Experience

  • Port Strategic Planning: For a southeastern US Port Authority, MMC reviewed the state of shipbuilding within the relevant geography and prepared recommendations about market potential, operating and financial performance and possible ways for shipbuilding and ship repair to become more integrated and viable components of the Port's overall Strategic Plan. MMC's findings are incorporated in the Port's recently-adopted Strategic Plan.
  • Regional Maritime Strategy: For a consortium of government agencies, MMC was part of a team which developed an overarching maritime strategy for Southeast Alaska. Fisheries, shipbuilding and repair, cruise shipping, and tourism were all examined with the objective of defining an action plan to increase the contribution of these markets to the SE Alaskan economy. Various phases of the plan are being implemented by the cognizant government and community bodies.
  • Strategic Planning for a US Port: MMC was part of the core team responsible for helping a major US Port create a comprehensive 5-year strategic plan. Using a workshop-based approach, the Port's management team was led through identification of critical strategic issues; analysis of strategic options; selection and prioritization of courses of action; and implementation planning. The Port is using this document as the foundation for all their planning and capitalization activities over the next five years.
  • Cruise Port Design and Development: For a number of ports around the world, MMC prepared market studies and operating pro formas to assist the ports in expansion of their ability to accommodate cruise ships. The studies usually included technical assistance from subcontracted consultants. The ports include Boston, New York, Long Beach, Newport News, and San Juan.
  • Port Services: For a major cruise port, MMC projected the services that would be required by the major cruise operators calling the port. The analysis included a discussion of the ability of these cruise companies to afford the services.
  • Port Facilities: MMC developed a long range forecast of the demand for drydocking facilities in a West Coast port in order to make a decision regarding a multi-user drydock. The recommendation to not build the facility satisfied both user and provider concerns and was then proven to be the right decision by subsequent events.
  • Port Opportunities: For a West Coast port, over a number of years, MMC conducted marketing studies to target new segments for the port: automobiles, cruise lines, and cold storage opportunities were ultimately added to the port’s revenue base.
  • Port - State Bond Filing: MMC prepared an economic analysis in support of an attorney’s filing for a state bond on behalf of a proposed new state port authority. This analysis demonstrated the economic feasibility and projected demand for a new deep-draft oil terminal.
  • Rate Analysis for Public Service: On behalf of the San Francisco Bay Pilots, MMC prepared an analysis of pilot rate schedules in San Francisco and other US ports, including a study of work content and required pilot skills. MMC testified as to his findings before the public governing committee.

MMC West Coast

12463 Rancho Bernardo Rd., #231
San Diego, CA 92128


MMC East Coast

497 Hooksett Rd. #254
Manchester, NH 03104

2014 MMC

All Rights Reserved

MMC Pacific Northwest

523 Thorndyke Rd.

Port Ludlow, WA 98365


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