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Product Development


New products can be developed through a structured process to match customer needs as well as the company’s vision and competencies. This process can be managed to reduce the risk to product performance, financial results, and scheduled roll-out.

Maritime Management Consulting assists clients in developing an understanding of market requirements, developing competitive approaches to meeting these requirements, and helping in the implementation of product decisions.

Maritime Management Consulting provides Product Development services including:

  • Mapping of product development process
  • Concept development trade-offs
  • Product specifications
  • Manufacturing approaches and build strategies
  • Prototyping
  • Economic analysis
  • Proposals and product roll-out

Client Work and Other Experience


  • Cruise Ship Development: MMC advised a ship owner during development of a series of Panamax cruise ships for construction in the United States. Assistance included: identification of required attributes for the new ship; facilitation of initial design strategy meetings; development and administration of a design competition; preparation of a statement of requirements and list of deliverables; and participation in evaluation of resulting designs, technical proposals and price proposals. This effort led to selection of a shipyard and contract award.
  • LNG Carrier Development: MMC assisted a ship owner during development of a new LNG Carrier Technology. Working with the ship designer, MMC performed parametric cost and schedule analyses for alternative preliminary designs which varied cargo capacity and arrangement, and propulsion plant. Build strategies were developed for ships and containment to guide design-for-production efforts. Tank fabrication and erection and insulation were examined as part of the build strategies.
  • New Ship Concepts: For several cruise ship owners and operators, MMC provided guidance and assistance in developing new cruise ships:
  • A new series of large cruise ships were designed and ultimately constructed based on customer values and focused market research
  • A cruise ship targeted for the upscale spa market was designed with market input. Contract design was developed; however, funding was never secured for construction.
  • Significantly larger ships for an operator of smaller cruise ships were conceptualized, designed and ultimately built in Europe.
  • Conversion and refurbishment of a large cruise ship were planned and supported by market analyses; the ship remains in its original configuration awaiting financing.
  • The initial product concepts for a new cruise line were developed. To date, two of the ships have been constructed and are successfully operating in the marketplace.
  • Cruise Port Design and Development: For a number of ports around the world, MMC prepared market studies and operating pro formas to assist the ports in expansion of their ability to accommodate cruise ships. The studies usually included technical assistance from subcontracted consultants. The ports include:
  • Boston
  • New York
  • Long Beach
  • Newport News
  • San Juan
  • Military RO/RO Conversion: For the conversion of a large US Navy RO/RO to a Marine Corp MPF(E) vessel, MMC assisted a U.S. shipyard in development of a requirements compliance database. Work included defining record and field structures, and analyzing and decomposing the Marine Corp’s Circular of Requirements into discrete elements. MMC organized a team of shipyard and Government personnel to use this tool to identify gaps between required performance and existing ship capabilities. MMC provided team-building exercises and facilitated planning, statusing and work sessions to ensure that the team functioned at a high level.
  • MPF(E) Proposal: MMC prepared a technical and management proposal for conversion of a large foreign-flag containership into a MPF(E) vessel for the US Marine Corp. Work included description of the design, the proposed engineering process, construction approach, facilities, prime and subcontractor responsibilities, and project management and control methods.
  • T-ADC(X) Design Study Proposal: On behalf of a US shipyard, MMC prepared a winning proposal for the first phase of the T-ADC(X) program, which developed trade-off studies and a preliminary design for a new US Navy supply ship. Our work included development of a Statement of Work for the engineering effort, and description of an innovative team approach and design decision-making method.
  • Time to Market: MMC planned and led E-strategy, new product development and technology enhancement engagements for a major giftware supplier, working with multiple client teams. This work resulted in a 40% reduction in product time-to-market, as well as reduced internal costs and improved information flow across the client’s supply chain.
  • Hi-Ballast Tanker: MMC assessed reported problems with conventional double hull tankers and developed a concept to improve ballast tank design. The design significantly reduces maintenance and repair costs and improves safety and efficiency of tanker operations. Work included analysis of technical and economic trade-offs, as well as life cycle cost implications.
  • Navy Shipbuilding Proposals: MMC has assisted many of the major U.S. shipyards by writing technical and management proposals for new US Navy shipbuilding programs, including:
  • T-AKE Auxiliary Cargo Ammunition Ships
  • AOE-6 Fast Supply Ships
  • DDG-52 Aegis Destroyers
  • LHD-2 Amphibious Assault Ships
  • Navy Ship Repair Proposals: MMC has developed technical and management proposals for major US Navy repair and overhaul programs, including:
  • Cruiser and Destroyer Continuous Maintenance Program (CG 47, DD 963)
  • Cruiser EDSRA Program (CG 53)
  • Aegis Destroyer Continuous Maintenance Program (DDG 51)
  • LPD Phased Maintenance Programs
  • FFG Phased Maintenance Programs
  • LST Phased Maintenance
  • Destroyer and Frigate ROHs

MMC West Coast

12463 Rancho Bernardo Rd., #231
San Diego, CA 92128


MMC East Coast

497 Hooksett Rd. #254
Manchester, NH 03104

2014 MMC

All Rights Reserved

MMC Pacific Northwest

523 Thorndyke Rd.

Port Ludlow, WA 98365


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